DeskSense Lifetime Deal-Pay Once And Never Again

DeskSense Lifetime Deal-Pay Once And Never Again

DeskSense Lifetime Deal

DeskSense assists in solving problems, writing code and amplifies your content creation, email replies, blog post, and social media journey.

Use built-in features to regenerate, summarize for making it more meaningful and relevant.

Experience the power of OpenAI directly to your Browser through our Chrome Extension, Web App and Mobile App.

DeskSense has got it all – total word count, auto-complete, dark and light mode. Plus, with the “add your own prompts” feature, you can train DeskSense to be your own personal assistant. The possibilities are limitless.

Just Hit “Ctrl + i” or “Cmd + i” from your Chrome browser to open DeskSense instantly on any website, or just select text from any website, click on the DeskSense Icon, and instantly get relevant answers to your questions related to the selected text.

Save your results as cards, edit it, add tags and notes. You can even share the saved cards through our web and mobile app.

DeskSense even tackles complex Excel formulas, crafts eloquent emails, and concocts social media posts that could make Hemingway jealous.

Plus, with word count, auto-complete, and an “add your own prompts” feature, you’ll feel like a genius wordsmith.

The web app offers all the features of the extension & more — it integrates seamlessly with the extension & mobile app.

With the DeskSense web interface, you’ll get all the bells and whistles of the Chrome extension and more, making it the ultimate sidekick for your browsing adventures.

Edit, add prompts, context, tags, and notes – It’s like a mini content creation studio.

Users can “Favorite” any of their AI generated content and “Share” the same in Social platforms – necause sharing is caring.

“Archive”, “Save” or “Delete” any AI content – We’re not clingy, you can delete us if you want.

Users can Search any saved item by selecting any of the “Filter” option, “Favorites”, “Tags” and “Prompts” – search like a pro.

Promptly get back to their saved items by simply going to the “My DeskSense” option – your personal content archive.

Change the look and feel of the profile according to preferences, “Dark” and “Light” mode – because we know you have different moods.

Never lose unsaved content again! 30-day “Draft” retention ensures peace of mind. Generate AI-based text responses simply by using prompts and context.

Using “prompts” and “context” inputs, will be your go-to for questions, suggestions, and even delightful chit-chat. Need content summarized or regenerated? Done! It saves the generated response as cards.

And with features like favorites, tags, and easy searching, DeskSense keeps your digital life organized and efficient. Generate AI-based Images of different sizes simply by using a prompt.

Generate AI-based images directly from our web app & mobile app. Further, it would have the ability to save & share directly in socials.

Experience the power of AI chat with GPT 4. Chat with AI and get accurate information, solves problems, and offers personalized assistance in real-time

DeskSense Lifetime Deal Features:

  • Money Back Guarantee- No Matter the reason.
  • AI Chatbot
  • Ability to increase word limit
  • 3x faster, sharper & clear responses
  • 99.99% uptime
  • Google Chrome / Edge Extension, web app & mobile app
  • Single login access to any devices
  • No Restrictions on country or language
  • 80,000 words per month
  • 80 AI-generated images per month
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited saves, tags, favorites, notes
  • 24/7 email and video support

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